3. Avoid bike theft
You never have to lock your bike outside. Just carry it inside wherever you go. Yes, it’s possible in most places.
A small portable lock is only needed when you know you’ll have to leave your bike unattented, e.g. when you leave it at your dentist’s hall.
Abus Granit 640 or Ottolock Cinch are great for folding-bike owners.
4. Save time
Do not look for a parking spot for ever : bring your bike at your office, zip it under your desk and that’s it. Save time… and money !
5. Get healthy
Cycling is a great way to exercise while commuting. Feel the stress of your day flowing away when looking at people, restaurants, appartments, life. Enjoy the fexibility of your bike to use it more often.
6. Explore
A folding bike is transportable. That means you can carry it with you in the Toronto train. You can store it inside your RV, your boat, your car. It is even thinkable to fly with it.